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Potohar Center for Entrepreneurship Development (PCED) is a not-for-profit platform founded by Manufacturing, Marketing and Education specialists who have teamed together to create an initiative that can identify gaps in Pakistan’s manufacturing and marketing skills value chain. After realizing the fact that compressed air drives almost all the industry verticals and the applied aspects of Compressed Air are not covered in any of the university academic programs with sufficient details, PCED Partnered with National Textile University Faisalabad for the establishment of the first Center of Excellence in Compressed Air (CECA). The industry also has access to this industry-standard training facility for training of their employees as well as advisory services on the best performance from the industry installed compressed air systems.

CECA  Karachi

Expanding Excellence: CECA Comes to Karachi

Following the outstanding success of the Center of Excellence in Compressed Air Systems (CECA) Faisalabad, we are thrilled to announce the launch of CECA Karachi! Recognizing Karachi’s industrial prominence, this initiative aims to provide state-of-the-art training and development in Industrial Compressed Air Systems. Our goal is to empower businesses and professionals with the skills needed to optimize efficiency, enhance reliability, and improve sustainability in compressed air technologies.

CECA is a product of Visionary Leadership and Cooperation between
Two Vice-Chancellors of  National Textile University (NTU).

dr arshad Ali

Former Vice-Chancellor
Dr. Arshad Ali | CEO AIIA & PCED

Dr Tanveer Hussain

Present Vice-Chancellor
Dr. Tanveer Hussain

Training Programs at CECA

  • Compressed Air Systems Basic
  • Compressed Air System Advance Courses
  • Compressed Air (Waste, Management, Recovery)
  • Monitoring and Management of Compressed Air and Industrial Gas Installations.
  • Compressed Air Quality in Food & Pharma Industry
  • Compressed Air Auditing (Leaks)
  • Operation and Maintenance of Vacuum & Blowers
  • Compressed Air (Pollution)
  • Service & Maintenance of Compressed Air Systems
  • Compressor Room Layout Designing
  • Industrial Air Quality Standards
  • Transmission of Compressed Air

Unskilled workforce, or those with limited training and education, actually cost more to the industry in the form of low productivity, wastages, and overall low performance of the company. So, the vision behind establishing CECA is:

Providing awareness and skills to connect education to the industry by

  • Providing competent HR to Industry
  • Waste Reduction in Industry
  • Industry competitiveness enhancement
  • Facilitation/skill development in moving towards pneumatic Automation for higher productivity